
About Us

We are the professionals excelling in various fields and joined together and formed LEELAVATHI CHARITABLE TRUST. We have crystal clear and specific visions and mission of the Foundation. We place and keep every thing open and transparent whatever we tell and do.

  • To work for welfare of poor children, orphans,child labor,street children and rag pickers by providing accommodation, boarding, education, orphanges, health centers and other needs.
  • To work for the welfare and rehabilitation, of mentally handicapped.
  • To assist relief measures during natural calamities like famine, fire,flood & earthquake.
  • To provide care and support for HIV/AIDS infected people and to conduct general medical camps.
  • To work for environmental protection,plantation and to conduct awareness programs on climate change.
  • To oraganize vocational training for women, unemployed and financially weaker students and youth
  • To work for welfare of aged people by providing medical care, old age home & other facilities
  • To work for women welfare, to conduct awareness programs on women issues, to run hostels, shorty stay homes, rehabilitation centers, creches and counseling centers and helpline centers for women.
  • To promote communal, religious harmony and to celebrate national festivals
  • To work for the overall development of scheduled castest, scheduled tribes, minorities and other backwared classes
  • To conduct youth programs, sports and to conduct awareness programes on the social issues and problems